The Undergraduate Minor in Secondary Education is minor intended for students pursuing
a Bachelor’s Degree here at Tech. This minor will allow current undergraduate students
to become certified teachers for grades 7-12 in New Mexico schools once they graduate.
The program is accredited by New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) and includes
5 classes along with supervised field experiences in local secondary schools. Requirements
for the UMSE are:
EDUC 340, Concepts in Education, 3 cr, 3 cl hrs
EDUC 341, Matching Teaching Strategies to Student Learning, 3 cr, 2.5 cl hrs, 0.5
field observations (grades 7-12)
EDUC 401, Effective Reading for Diverse Learners, 3 cr, 2.5 cl hrs, 0.5 field observations
(grades 7-12)
EDUC 403 Methods and Practices in Teaching, 3 cr, 2.5 cl hrs, 0.5 field observations
(grades 7-12)
EDUC 405, Assessments and Measurement, 3 cr, 3 cl hrs
EDUC 413 Student Teaching (Secondary), 9 cr
EDUC 414 Student Teaching Seminar, 3 cr
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